

The day of our Baptism is the most important day of our life, because through it we become members of the Church and we receive the promise of eternal life.
Baptism Courses
Parents wishing to have their child baptised (aged up to 3 years) are required to attend the Baptism Preparation class, which usually occur on the first Wednesday of the month, please book before attending. Leaflets giving details are available in the porch/lobby, along with forms.  
Both parents are expected to attend these classes along with prospective godparents, please make sure that everyone can attend before booking.  
The completed Baptism Application form should be handed to the Parish Office before the Preparation Class commences. 
Separate arrangements will be made for older children. 
Parents are reminded that they should be attending Mass regularly (i.e. weekly) before making arrangements to have their child baptised. Please make sure you introduce yourselves to Fr. Eduard after a weekend Mass and before the class commences.  

Baptism Enquiry

First Holy Communion

Preparation Classes for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in our parishes usually commence in September each year and finish in the following June with the Thanksgiving Mass and Celebration.  
The child will make their first confession (Reconciliation) during February or March and the Mass where the child receives the Gift of the Eucharist for the first time is usually in May or June.  
If you wish your child to make their First Holy Communion next year please keep an eye on the newsletter for notification of a meeting for parents.  
Children should be in year 3 or above in the school year beginning September and be attending Mass weekly with their families.

First Holy Communion


Confirmation - It is Diocesan policy that young people are not invited to prepare for Confirmation until they are in school year 10 or above.  
Please enquire for more details about any upcoming progammes.

Confirmation Enquiry


Please make an appointment with Fr. Eduard Fartan at least eight months before your planned wedding date.  No dates can be guarenteed before speaking to Fr Eduard.
At least one of the engaged couple must be a Baptised Catholic who lives within Benfleet Parish.  
For your information no weddings will take place in Lent.  

Contact Us


 Please make an appointment with Fr. Eduard Fartan.
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